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How do I download eBooks/audiobooks to my Apple Mac laptop/desktop?


Directions for enjoying eBooks or eAudiobooks from Libby or our always available eBook collection from EBSCO on your Apple computer can be found on this page.

eBooks and eAudiobooks from Libby can be enjoyed in your Mac's browser at, i.e. they cannot be downloaded to a Mac laptop/desktop.

eBooks and eAudiobooks from hoopla are always available and can be enjoyed in your Mac's browser, i.e. they cannot be downloaded to a Mac laptop/desktop.

eBooks and eAudiobooks from Odilo are always available and can be enjoyed in your Mac's browser, i.e. they cannot be downloaded to a Mac laptop/desktop.

eBooks from Tumblebooks can be read in your Mac's browser, i.e. they cannot be downloaded to a Mac laptop/desktop.