How do I download eBooks to my NOOK GlowLight Plus?
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There are 2 steps for downloading an eBook from OverDrive to your NOOK GlowLight Plus:
Step 1: Authorizing your NOOK GlowLight Plus
Create a free Adobe ID at
Once you have your Adobe ID, enter it directly on your NOOK GlowLight Plus:
1. From a Home screen, tap Settings and page to the 2nd screen.
2. Under ACCOUNT & PROFILE, tap on Adobe DRM Settings.
3. Tap on Add Adobe ID and enter the email address and password for your Adobe ID.
4. Press OK.
Step 2: Transferring EPUB eBooks
After authorizing your NOOK, you can download EPUB eBooks from our OverDrive catalog and transfer them to your NOOK. Note: To transfer files from a Mac, you must first install the Android File Transfer application on your computer. Once this application is installed, your NOOK will be recognized by your Mac and you can use Android File Transfer to transfer the files from your computer. To get the most recent version of Android File Transfer, please visit
1. Connect your NOOK GlowLight Plus to your computer with the micro-USB cable.
2. Your NOOK GlowLight Plus will appear on your PC as a removable drive.
3. On your computer, find the EPUB title you downloaded. If the eBooks you downloaded automatically open in Adobe Digital Editions, they will usually be located in the folder My Digital Editions under Documents. Tip: From your Adobe Digital Edition Library, right-click a book cover and click on Show File in Explorer (Windows) or Show File in Finder (Mac).
4. Copy the eBook into the My Files folder on your NOOK GlowLight Plus.
5. On your NOOK GlowLight Plus, go to Library, select My Files and open the eBook.