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Can I get a library card if my driver's license has my old address?

1433 views   |   2 Vote this question as useful.   6 Vote this question as not useful.   |   Last updated on Aug 06, 2024    Library Cards Policies & Procedures


Yes. If your ID does not have your current address on it, you can use one of the following for address verification:

  • Any photo ID issued by the U.S. Federal, Tribal, or any State Government (examples include a driver’s license, Tribal ID, current passport, green card, state employee ID card)
  • Birth Certificate
  • Current vehicle insurance verification form
  • Student ID card with a photo of the student on it
  • Acceptable evidence of current school, college, or university enrollment or employment (examples include an official transcript or registrar’s receipt for students; examples for staff include a pay stub or staff ID card)
  • Social Security card
  • Medicare or other medical plan card
  • Current credit card
  • Military ID card; include rank and serial number on the application
  • Voter registration card
  • Personal check with printed name
  • Parent or guardian’s identification for students under age 17 who are unable to provide proof of eligibility, provided the parent or guardian meets eligibility requirements
  • Oklahoma County ad valorem property tax statement
  • Utility bills or receipts postmarked within 30 days
  • Copy of current lease
  • Mortgage paperwork within 90 days of notarization