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How can I suggest a title in Libby?

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You can suggest that the Library purchase a title in Libby by searching for the item you're interested in. You may need to enable Deep Search to see titles not owned by the Metropolitan Library. NOTE: Deep Search can only be used on a search that returns less than 100 search results so you might need to adjust your search terms accordingly (example: search for the title and the author's name in a single search).

If the item is available for purchase but we don't currently own it, you will see a Notify Me button instead of a Borrow or Place Hold button. Tap Notify Me to request that the Metropolitan Library add the title to its collection. If the Library is able to purchase this title, you will receive a notification through Libby when the title is added.

Here is more information and directions to help you use Deep Search and Notify Me.

If a title doesn't show up in Deep Search, this means that either the publisher has not made this title available in a digital format, or Libby/OverDrive has not acquired the rights to the title in this format. This often occurs with eAudiobooks. Publishers will release a title as an eBook, but not as an eAudiobook, or OverDrive may not be able to obtain the rights to the eAudiobook.