Frequently Asked Questions

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How many items can I check out at once?


All Metro Library accounts, with the exception of ONEcard accounts* and Internet Access accounts, have the following lending limits:

*ONEcard accounts can check out a maximum of 10 physical titles.

You can check out a maximum of 100 physical titles (books, DVDs, CDs, Playaways, magazines, etc.)

You can check out a maximum of 10 eBooks and/or eAudiobooks at a time using Libby from OverDrive. There are no lending limits on digital magazines.

You can check out a maximum of 6 titles per month from our always available hoopla collection (eBooks, eAudiobooks, digital comics, TV shows, music, and movies).

On Kanopy (TV shows, documentaries, and movies), you have 24 tickets per month you can "spend" to check out titles. Each title will cost from 1-5 tickets, depending on how long the runtime is.

There are no limits on the amount of titles you can borrow from our: