How do I place an interlibrary loan request?
18273 views | 42 Vote this question as useful. 5 Vote this question as not useful. | Last updated on Aug 13, 2024 Interlibrary Loan
- Visit and if you haven't created an account, click the First Time Users link.
- Complete the New User Registration form, using your library card number as your username and your last name as your password. Note: ILL notifications will only be delivered via email or postal mail.
- After you complete registration and sign in, in the New Request menu at the left, select the type of material you wish to borrow.
- Complete the request form then click Submit Request. If your title has an ISBN number, providing the ISBN will expedite your request so use a search engine to search for the phrase your title isbn to find its ISBN. Note: After submitting your request, if you are directed to the sign in screen, your session has timed out but your request should have successfully submitted. You can sign in and click All Requests to ensure your request was received.
Note: The interlibrary loan service is not available for reciprocal, ONEcard, and school cardholders.