Frequently Asked Questions

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How long do I have to pick up my holds?


Holds on physical titles ready for pickup are kept for 1 week. After 1 week, holds are returned to the shelves or sent to the next person on the holds list. You can see which holds are available to pick up by signing in to your account at and clicking Your Name's Account at the top right of the screen. Select Titles On Hold from the drop-down menu. Holds ready to be picked up will display on that page under Holds Ready for Pickup.

On Overdrive/Libby, once you receive the notification one of your holds is available, you can:  

  1. Borrow the title within 3 days
  2. Suspend the hold by selecting “deliver later.” This option passes the book to the next person in line while maintaining your place on the wait list. After the suspension period you set is over, you will be able to borrow the book when the next copy is available.
  3. Cancel the hold.

If you take no action, the hold will automatically be suspended as a one-time courtesy for 7 days. If no action is taken a second time, the hold will be cancelled automatically.