How do I use the Value Line database?
1796 views | 3 Vote this question as useful. 0 Vote this question as not useful. | Last updated on Aug 13, 2024 Research & Databases
Here are some tips to help you use our Value Line database:
- ‘Company name or symbol...’ search box at top right: To look at a company's report, type its name or stock symbol and wait for the drop down menu, i.e. do not click the Quote button. Click on the company in the drop down menu and you will be taken to its digital report.
- Dashboard--Quick Links--Summary & Index: Displays the current Summary & Index report.
- Dashboard--Quick Links--Selection & Opinion: Displays current Selection & Opinion report.
- Dashboard--Quick Links--VLIS Current Issue: When you click on a company's name in this section, you'll be taken to that company's digital report. At the right, the Value Line PDF Reports section will show a list of the last year's worth of reports for this company and you can also view the current and last year's worth of Industry, Selection & Opinion, and Summary & Index reports. (NOTE: The PDF Reports section contains the same report we keep a physical copy of in the library.)